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Blog Posts

Industry Adoption of Amended IAB Tech Lab Guidelines Is Vital to Drive Change

Building a more transparent and efficient ecosystem is an industry-wide effort, and in August of 2022, the IAB Tech Lab introduced updates to its Ad Formats Guidelines for Digital Video and CTV in hopes of driving further transparency. Despite these updates, the signals needed to determine the value of video […]

Adopting SDA in a Privacy-Centric World

SDA SHOWED A SOLUTION PATH First released over a year ago, seller-defined audiences created a mechanism for sellers to provide standardized information about their audience to ad buyers.  In a world with declining user-level signal availability, this was proposed as a solution to retain addressability for the buy-side of ad […]

IAB Tech Lab Releases Identity Solutions Guidance Document For Public Comment

Today, IAB Tech Lab, the global digital advertising technical standards-setting body, announced the release of its Identity Solutions Guidance document for public comment for 30 days until November 4, 2023.

IAB Tech Lab Announces The Formation Of Two New Working Groups: The Privacy Sandbox Task Force And The Artificial Intelligence Subcommittee

Today, IAB Tech Lab, the global digital advertising technical standards-setting body, announced the establishment of two new working groups that will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of digital media and advertising: the Privacy Sandbox Task Force and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Subcommittee.

Upgrade to Ads.txt 1.1 with IAB Tech Lab Supply Chain Transparency: Introducing new APIs

We’re thrilled to share the Supply Chain APIs in the IAB Tech Lab Tools Portal now include the updates from Ads.txt version 1.1. The specification update was released in August 2022, and we’ve seen rapid adoption of the new version from publishers. This update introduced two directives that empower publishers […]

Introducing the IAB Tech Lab Tools Portal

Over the last two years, IAB Tech Lab has developed several new useful industry data modules and the Transparency Center has evolved into much more than supply chain transparency. For example, it now houses the MSPA Registration, the SKAdNetwork ID List, the News Media List, the Open Measurement SDK, and […]

IAB Tech Lab Sets the Pace for Trustworthy Digital Advertising

It’s been a busy 2023 for the Tech Lab Compliance team.  Over the past several months, many organizations in the digital media ecosystem have stepped up to the challenge of fostering a trustworthy digital advertising ecosystem, earning their place among the ranks of compliant companies.  As we enter the final […]

Better Floors for Variable Duration Video and Audio Ads

In a post about overhauling price floors on the Index Exchange blog, I’ve previously made the case that programmatic sellers and buyers would benefit from enhancements to how floors are signaled in OpenRTB. The programmatic industry has evolved to a point where multiple creative types, sizes, and durations can fulfill […]

US Privacy Signal Deprecation Deadline Extended To January 31, 2024

After receiving feedback from working group members and MSPA participants, IAB Tech Lab will extend support for the US Privacy signal until January 31, 2024. This is an extension beyond the deprecation deadline of September 30, 2023. This transition period will help businesses complete their technical implementation of the Global […]


We’re excited to announce that the new Ad Product Taxonomy 2.0 is in public comment as of August 15th, 2023 and we’re eager to share how it will improve the programmatic ecosystem.  We know that brand safety is a huge industry concern, but recognize that there are limited solutions today […]