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Blog Posts

IAB Tech Lab Turns 10 Years Old; Unveils 2024 Priorities & Roadmap

Calls for Industry Adoption of Privacy, Addressability, Advanced TV, and Programmatic Standards to Address Industry Challenges NEW YORK, Jan. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — IAB Tech Lab, the global digital advertising technical standard-setting body, unveiled its key priorities and roadmap for 2024 today. The roadmap addresses crucial pain points and challenges, ensuring the industry […]

IAB Tech Lab Accelerates Privacy Taxonomy Project with Fides Language Product Donation

In a significant stride towards advancing privacy in the digital advertising industry, the IAB Tech Lab received a generous donation from Ethyca. Ethyca’s Fides Language (Fideslang) product at the heart of this donation will help accelerate defining privacy standards within the ad tech industry. Tech Lab has expressed enthusiasm for […]

IAB Tech Lab Launches Accountability Platform To Deliver Greater Transparency In The Use Of Personal Data For Addressability

IAB Tech Lab, the global digital advertising technical standards-setting body, today announced the launch of the Accountability Platform, a technical audit framework designed to help businesses deliver greater transparency in using personal data for addressability.


We are already deep into 2024 planning, and we’re sure you are too. To help you in achieving your objectives next year, we’ve compiled for you a summary of this year’s Tech Lab standards and resources. We expect 2024 to be another year of massive change in digital advertising. In […]

New CTV App Stores Added to App-Ads.txt Aggregator

IAB Tech Lab offers aggregated and structured data sets for ads.txt, app-ads.txt, and sellers.json to provide the industry with a low cost and maintenance free replacement to managing your own crawler.  The IAB Tech Lab data sets are also beneficial for supplementing your own research. This year, we’ve worked to […]

IAB Tech Lab releases for public comment, specification for DSA Transparency

IAB Tech Lab has made an MVP specification available for public comment to help Online Platforms comply with the DSA which goes into effect on February 17, 2024. The DSA Transparency specification is open for a public comment period ending on December 31st, 2023. Feedback may be sent to  […]

Using OpenRTB Signals to Identify Made for Advertising

Introduction Made for Advertising sites (MFA’s) have gained significant attention following the recent ANA study that focused on themes like carbon emissions, supply chain transparency and brand education about programmatic inventory. MFAs are a concern because they are designed specifically to win programmatic scale and churn out profits while delivering poor consumer […]

IAB Tech Lab’s Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Working Group Releases Comprehensive Guidance On Differential Privacy

IAB Tech Lab, the global digital advertising technical standards-setting body, announced the release of their Differential Privacy Guidance, a document that aims to empower the digital advertising ecosystem with the knowledge and tools needed to evaluate and harness emerging PETs effectively. Developed by IAB Tech Lab’s PETs Working Group, the […]

IAB Tech Lab Releases Data Deletion Request Framework For Public Comment

IAB Tech Lab, the global digital advertising technical standards-setting body, has introduced the Data Deletion Request Framework as an important addition to the Global Privacy Platform (GPP). This specification facilitates the handling of data deletion requests in accordance with the changing landscape of consumer privacy rights as dictated by privacy laws. IAB […]

What is the IAB Tech Lab Spiders and Bots list?

In the discourse of ad measurement, plenty has been written about IVT (invalid traffic). As a starting point, IVT is defined generally as traffic or associated media activity (e.g., advertising impression) that is generated by bots or any form of nonhuman traffic, or otherwise does not represent legitimate traffic that […]