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Compliance Pricing

Below is a table reference for Technology Compliance Program pricing for local or international IAB members, and non- members. Initial pricing is applicable for platforms that have never been through the compliance validation process. Renewal pricing is required for all compliant platforms on their anniversary date the following year.

If you have any questions regarding the IAB Tech Lab Compliance Program pricing, or would like to find out how the program works, please reach out to for more information!



Non Member

Tech Lab Compliance, OM SDK Mobile App (iOS & Android)

$8,662   $11,550

Tech Lab Compliance, OM SDK Web Video

  $11,812   $15,750

Tech Lab Compliance, OM SDK CTV – per device (tvOS, AndroidTV & Fire TV Stick)

  $7,500   $10,000

 Protocols (Renewals)


Non Member

Tech Lab Compliance, OM SDK Mobile App (iOS & Android) $4,987 $6,562
Tech Lab Compliance, OM SDK Web Video $6,037 $8,137
Tech Lab Compliance, OM SDK Web CTV – per device (tvOS, AndroidTV & Fire TV Stick) $3,750 $5,000

 Podcast Measurement


Non Member

Tech Lab Compliance, Podcast Measurement

New / Renewal

$12,500 / $6,250

New / Renewal

$ 17,500 / $8,750

 Data Transparency


Non Member

Tech Lab Compliance, Data Transparency

 Pricing determined based on scope of work   Pricing determined based on scope of work