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Tag: digital-video

Industry Adoption of Amended IAB Tech Lab Guidelines Is Vital to Drive Change

Building a more transparent and efficient ecosystem is an industry-wide effort, and in August of 2022, the IAB Tech Lab introduced updates to its Ad Formats Guidelines for Digital Video and CTV in hopes of driving further transparency. Despite these updates, the signals needed to determine the value of video […]

Ad Format Guidelines for Digital Video and CTV — Now Ready for Industry Adoption!

The Ad Format Guidelines for Digital Video and CTV have now been finalized following the close of a public comment period on these specifications that ended in April 2022. This update has been released following the rapid change and evolution in the video landscape since these guidelines were first launched […]

Mobile & User Experience: Driving Digital Media Trends in 2016

By Shailley Singh 2015 saw many new developments in digital media consumption and advertising industry that will set the stage for trends in 2016. Two areas that will drive these trends are Mobile and User Experience. Mobile is where users spend most of their time compared to any other screen […]