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SKAdNetwork ID List

IAB Tech Lab has a tool for managing and maintaining SKAdNetwork ID list.  Advertisers, DSPs, and networks can register their SKAdNetwork IDs and IAB Tech Lab will publish a list of all registered IDs that can be downloaded by app developers and publishers. The SKAdNetwork, where SK stands for StoreKit, is part of an Apple framework for developers. The ad network API is meant to help advertisers measure the success of their ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. This is an aggregate method and function embedded in iOS 14 to measure attribution of mobile ad campaigns for iOS apps. App publishers will use SKAdNetwork IDs to grant their mobile advertising and attribution partners access to this aggregate campaign performance data. The SKAdNetwork ID list will help app publishers easily identify their partners and the accompanying SKAdNetwork IDs.

Those companies wishing to register their SKAdNetwork ID may do so via the Tools Portal ( ). You will need to create a free account to register. Click on the SKAdNetwork ID tile under “General Tools”.