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IAB Tech Lab Supports GDPR Transparency and Consent Solutions


IAB Tech Lab has taken the steps to support the advertising industry adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR, which becomes enforceable on May 25, 2018, promotes more control for European internet users, requiring any company that processes data about a European user to be in compliance with GDPR. To support companies in complying with GDPR, IAB Tech Lab has published an OpenRTB GDPR Advisory and launched a GDPR Technical Working Group.

The OpenRTB GDPR Advisory (available here) specifies how to pass user consent via the OpenRTB protocol. This enables digital advertising companies to share user consent information among publishers, buyers, and data companies in a real time bidding transaction. The OpenRTB GDPR Advisory is compatible with OpenRTB version 2.1 to 2.5 and also details how to pass user consent in the upcoming release of the OpenRTB 3.0 specification.

The IAB Tech Lab GDPR Technical Working Group’s mission is to share information on GDPR/ePrivacy and engage technical leaders in contributing to related solutions. The working group will draw on policy and regulatory analysis and guidance from IAB Europe and others in the global IAB network to develop and support technology and tools to facilitate legal compliance and self-regulation for the industry. The working group will also share information such as emerging technical requirements, tools, services, and research that can help companies comply with GDPR. Participation in the working group should not suffice as legal counsel.  

The IAB Tech Lab GDPR Technical Working Group’s first event will be on February 20th, 2018. The format will be an in-person town hall in New York City and San Francisco, with a remote dial-in option. The goal for the event is to provide baseline information and set the stage for technical considerations and tech advisories related to both GDPR and relevant IAB Tech Lab specifications. Click HERE for more information and to register for the event.

IAB Tech Lab’s role in developing and supporting global industry standards is to help brands and media companies grow and to empower standards-based technology solutions. We look forward to working with your company on this initiative. Please reach out to with any questions about the upcoming town hall or the OpenRTB GDPR Advisory document. Please reach out to with requests to join the working group.

Download the OpenRTB Advisory – GDPR

Register for the GDPR/ePrivacy Technology Town Hall