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First Companies Earn Seals of Compliance for Podcast Measurement Guidelines 2.1

In March 2021, IAB Tech Lab launched version 2.1 of the Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines. The guidelines were developed to provide podcast producers and distributors a uniformed way to measure ads and content in podcast environments. Version 2.1 of the guidelines provide more clarity on common language and terminology used in podcast measurement. Additionally, this latest version provides an updated report on the market share of downloads per platform, includes new recommendations for podcast players that will benefit publishers and consumers, and provides new technical guidance for producers and distributors to be able to measure unique users and downloads in podcast environments.

The compliance program for Podcast Measurement, ensures companies are using the common agreed-upon set of metrics for podcast content and ads and certifies that companies are adhering to the most up-to-date version of the guidelines. Today, we are happy to announce the first seven companies to have achieved certification for Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines Version 2.1

  • Acast
  • Backtracks
  • Julep Media
  • Omny Studio
  • Spreaker
  • Voxnest
  • Whooshkaa

Julep Media were the first company to be certified for Podcast Measurement Guidelines 2.1.  “We are very proud that with Julep Hosting we were the first podcast hoster worldwide to get the IAB Tech Lab certification according to the new standard 2.1. The certification process with IAB Tech Lab was very constructive and characterized by mutual knowledge exchange.” said Christian Rymarenko, COO, Julep Media GMBH.

Whooshkaa, an all-in-one platform for podcasters and audio creators to manage “on-demand” audio, was the first company to update to version 2.1 and be re-certified by the IAB Tech Lab. The audit verified that Whooshkaa meets the latest guidelines for the measurement and reporting of downloads, listeners and advertising impressions.

Whooshkaa’s CEO Robert Loewenthal explained the importance of the IAB Tech Lab standard:

“The IAB Tech Lab Guidelines represent a critically important set of standards for the industry around core concepts such as ‘downloads’, ‘listeners’ and ‘ad impressions’, and how they are measured and communicated to stakeholders.”

The Podcast Measurement compliance program ensures accuracy and consistency of measurement data used in podcast environments which in turn helps to instill trust, understanding and credibility of this channel for the buyside; and we encourage all podcast hosting companies to participate in this initiative.

Several more companies are in the process of being audited on version 2.1 of the guidelines.  A regularly updated list of certified companies can be found here:


Jarrett Wold
Senior Director, Compliance Programs
IAB Tech Lab