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Content Taxonomy

Last updated: January 15, 2024

The Content Taxonomy provides a “common language” that can be used when describing content. Typical uses of the content taxonomy are contextual targeting and brand safety.

Content Taxonomy 3.0

The 3.0 version of the content taxonomy is now ready for market adoption. This latest version includes updates to better support a variety of areas – News, Video/CTV content, Podcasts, Radio, Games and App stores. The changes include updates to “Aboutness categories” as well as to the additional “vectors”. This update includes some deletions which make this version of the taxonomy non-backwards compatible with previous releases.

Previous Versions

View Content Taxonomy 2.2 (Released December 2020)

View Content Taxonomy 2.1 (Released October 2020)

View Content Taxonomy 2.0 (Released November 2017)

View Content Taxonomy 1.0 (Deprecated and should NOT be used for content categorization in the absence of SCD flags. More information can be found here about SCD flags available in updated Taxonomy versions)